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Hello, my name is sümeyye.15 years old Ünye Science High School 10th grade student.I want to tell you my favorite holiday.
I went to Çanakkale with my family and spent a week there.
The most beautiful 1 week of my life, I can say. Very fun and full of chores. We boarded the plane from here about 1.30 hours after the journey to the hotel.

The next day we visited the battlefields, historical places and museums in the Gallipoli half-way.
it was very impressive to visit the important places, a little tired, but I think we were tired.

The next day we visited the ruins of the ancient city of Troy and from there we went to the bursa

In Bursa, we went to the tombs of Osman Gazi and Orhan Gazi, we went to the Green Tomb, Koza Han and the most influential of them was the Koza Han and Osman Gazi Tomb.

We spent a day in Bursa, and we passed Eskişehir that night.There we visited the region of woodbazaar.My holiday was very nice hope you can visit the regions you want and have fun.


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} Hello   my  name is Sümeyye.  I’ll  tel  you   about   my   dream . M y biggest dream is to spend a weekend abroad, especially in  london . THE LONDON } Actually, there are many reasons I want to go to London, but most of all, I want to see the Warner Bros   Studio. WARNER BROSS STUDIO WARNER BROS STUDIO } Of course, when I go to London, not only Warner Bros. Studio, I would like to visit a lot of places. } T hese  include the  london  eye,  buckingham  palace, oxford street,  british  museum , kings   cross   train   staition  and many other places LONDON EYE BRITISH MUSEUM BUCKİNGHAM PALACE OXFORD STREET } A fter   london   i  want to go to Edinburgh, the capital of  scotland } Edinburgh Castle is one of the important places to visit.    EDİNBURGH  CASTLE  THE ELEPHANT HOUSE


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